Sunday, January 23, 2011

Triceps and Calves .. how to do exercise at home

1. Triceps

Bench Dips

  • These can be done on the edge of a chair or bench.
  • Sit on the side edge of a flat bench or the front edge of a chair.
  • Place your hands on the edge of the chair right beside your glutes and grip the edge.
  • To start with, your feet should be flat on the floor about two feet in front of you with your knees bent.
  • Move yourself off the chair so you are now supporting yourself on your hands.
  • Bend your arms, dipping your body down. Go down only as far as you feel comfortable, being careful not to bounce out of the bottom.
  • Push back up, squeezing the triceps.
  • It is important to keep your back close to the edge of the bench as you do these to minimize shoulder stress.
  • When you're done the set, push yourself back onto the chair.
top position of bench dips
Bottom position of bench dips

2. Calves

Standing Calf Raises

  • This exercise can be done on the edges of stairs, wood blocks, books, etc.
  • Do both legs at the same time to start with then, as you get stronger, do them one leg at a time.
  • Hold a bag in your hand for resistance as you get stronger
  • Stand on the edge of the block with only the balls of your feet on the block.
  • Keeping knees stiff and bending only at the ankles, lower your heels down towards the floor.
  • Go down until you feel a strong stretch in your calves.
  • Reverse the direction without bouncing and push up as high as you can.
  • Do this movement slowly to feel the contraction all the way up.
Bottom Position of Standing Calf Raises
Top Position of Standing Calf Raises


DO exercise at your home

1. Abdominals

Abdominal Crunches

  • Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor.
  • Hold your hands wherever you feel comfortable (on your chest or beside your head - just be sure you don't pull on your head).
  • The typical crunch is taught by instructing you to simply roll your upper torso forward. This is fine to start with.
  • To increase the effectiveness of the crunch movement, push your chest and head up towards the ceiling pushing your lower back flat onto the floor.
  • Your anatomy will automatically cause you to follow a crunching pattern.
  • Hold at the top of the movement for a second and squeeze hard.
Start position of the crunch
Top position of the crunch

2. Biceps

Dumbell Curls

  • Stand with your knees slightly bent, arms at your sides, holding your resistance bags or two dumbells in your hands.
  • The curl movement happens only at the elbow. With your upper arm pinned at your side and bending only at the elbow, lift the weight up to shoulder level.
  • Your palm should be facing forward all the way up and all the way down.
  • Squeeze hard at the top then lower slowly.
  • Do the same with the other arm, alternating back and forth.


Easy exercise to do at home for shoulders and legs

1. Shoulders

Seated Dumbell Shoulder Presses

  • Use something around the house for weight, e.g. soup cans or milk jugs with water in them.
  • From a seated or standing position, hold the weights just above your shoulders.
  • Push them up overhead slowly.
Bottom position of seated dumbell shoulder pressTop position of seated dumbell shoulder press

2. Legs

Bodyweight Squats

  • Place your feet about shoulder width apart.
  • Keeping your torso vertical and a slight arch in your lower back, start the movement by bending the knees.
  • Go only as far down as you feel comfortable when first starting out. If you can go down until your thighs are just below parallel, do so. This is the full range goal.
  • Using leg power, push yourself back up to the start position. Use your grip on the bar only for balance unless you absolutely need to pull yourself up.
  • As you get stronger with squats, don't use the bar anymore. When you can do good, full-range reps without the bar, you can start using weight.
  • For weight, use two duffel bags (evenly loaded) or two milk jugs, etc. Hold them at your sides and squat.
Top position of squats
Bottom position of squats

Do exercises at home for chest and Back

1. Chest

Wall Push-Ups

  • Stand facing a wall with your feet about 1 to 2 feet back from it.
  • Place your hands on the wall just outside shoulder-width apart.
  • Bending only at the elbows, lower yourself forward towards the wall then push yourself away from it.
  • Keep your body stiff and straight during the movement.
Top position of wall push-upsBottom position of wall push-ups

2. Back

Standing Rows

  • These are done from a standing position.
  • Loop a towel around a vertical pole or column or another fixed object so that the ends of the towel are pointing towards you and the towel is wrapped around the far side of the pole.
  • Have your feet close up to the pole and lean back gripping on the ends of the towel and keeping your body stiff and straight.
  • Row yourself up with both arms.
  • Keep your back arched and row with your back.

Start position of standing rows for the backCompleted position for standing rows for the back

Simple Exercise

ardiovascular Exercises:

1. Walking

  • Walking is the simplest, cheapest and easiest form of cardiovascular exercise.
  • It is the best starting point for anyone who is just starting to exercise.
  • It is very low impact and is extremely convenient.
  • Start slowly, then gradually work up to walking longer and faster.
  • Finding a walking partner can help keep you motivated.

2. Jogging/Running

  • This is a step up from walking. It is harder and puts more impact and stress on the body.
  • If you are just starting an exercise program, work through fast walking before moving up to jogging.

    3. Cycling

    • Riding a bike is an excellent, no-impact form of cardio.
    • Be sure to follow the rules of the road and ALWAYS wear a helmet.

    4. Swimming

    • Swimming involves all the major muscles of the body.
    • It is no-impact and is very useful for injury recovery
    • The major drawback is that you must know how to swim.


    Phase 1: How To Lose Weight

    Welcome to Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet. For anyone just starting here, let me quickly mention that this weight loss diet plan is completely free. Yes, really. There will be nothing to pay for or sign up for at any time. It's all free. I swear. Now, on to Phase 1.
    The purpose of Phase 1 is going to make a ton of sense. You see, in order to successfully reach your weight loss goals, you're going to first need to understand how to lose weight. (I told you it would make sense.) That's what Phase 1 is. A complete, yet easy to understand explanation of exactly what is required for weight loss to take place. How it happens, why it happens, and most important of all... what you need to do in order to make it happen. You can not skip ahead. You will need to know this in order to create your weight loss diet plan in Phase 2.
    So, to sum up, by the end of this page you're going to know how to lose weight. Sound good? Great. Let's get to it...


    You know when you eat food and drink drinks? Well, every one of those foods and every one of those drinks contain calories. Say it with me... calories. The reason I'm mentioning calories to you as though you are 5 years old is because the answer to the almighty "how to lose weight" question all revolves around calories. Not only does everything you eat and drink contain calories, but everything you do burnscalories. Literally every step you take and every move you make burns calories. In fact, your body actually burns hundreds and even thousands of calories each day on its own just functioning. You could sit still all day and your body would still burn calories.
    So now you may be wondering, if everything you eat contains calories, and everything you do burns calories, shouldn't they just cancel each other out? Yes, they should... and they do. If you consume the exact same number of calories that your body burns each day, your weight would stay exactly the same. If your body naturally burns 3000 calories a day, and you happen to eat 3000 calories a day, your weight would not change. In this example, 3000 calories is what's known as acalorie maintenance level. It's the number of calories required for the body to maintain it's current weight.
    I should probably have you repeat "calorie maintenance level" with me, because if there's one thing more important than calories when it comes to losing weight... it's your calorie maintenance level
    Your calorie maintenance level is pretty useful to know. Think of it like it's your body's weight loss password, and knowing it will get you into your own private weight loss system. Once you're in, you'll be able to control your weight with ease. In fact, for anyone wondering how to lose weight, this is the number at the heart of that answer. The best way I can explain why is by telling you the big secret...
    Like I said, every person's body needs a certain number of calories each day in order for them to maintain their current weight. This is your maintenance level. If your diet plan is made up of the SAME number of calories as this maintenance level, your weight will stay the same. However, if your diet is made up of MORE calories than your maintenance level, you will GAIN weight. But... get this... if your diet is made up of LESS calories than your maintenance level... YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT!

    Calorie Deficit (Giving your body less calories than it needs)

    You just learned the one simple fact that The Lose Weight Diet is based on. Pretty cool huh? I told you, weight loss is all about calories. More specifically, it's about creating a calorie deficit. You need to end up burning more calories than you consume. If your daily calorie maintenance level is 3000 calories, you will lose weight if you started eating 2500 calories a day. You would gain weight if you ate 3500 calories a day. I realize I was only supposed to explain how to lose weight, but you've also just learned how to gain weight.
    Did you ever wonder how you gained weight? Now you know. You ate more than your maintenance level. To lose weight, you just need to reverse that. Simple, isn't it? You may have noticed that in the example above I subtracted 500 calories from the maintenance level. Subtracting 500 calories from your maintenance level is the magic weight loss number here. The reason for that is because there are about 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat. So, if you ate 500 less calories each day for 7 days, it would equal the 3500 less calories required to lose 1 pound. (500 x 7 = 3500)
    Coincidentally, there are 7 days in a week. So, by eating 500 calories below your daily maintenance level, you would lose about 1 pound per week. Now would be a good time to mention that the healthy, safe, good, smart, and all around right amount of weight to lose for most people is 1 or 2 pounds a week. That is the widely agreed upon correct weight loss speed. I am bringing this up now because some people may be thinking, "If my maintenance level was 3000 calories, why shouldn't I just go straight to eating 1000 calories a day instead of only 2500?" Here's why...
    Reducing your calorie intake by so much so fast is wrong, unsafe, unhealthy, bad, unsafe, bad, wrong, unhealthy, stupid, unsafe, wrong, unhealthy, stupid, bad and wrong. Got that? You'd end up losing muscle instead of fat. Your body would go into a state where it actually KEEPS fat. Blah blah blah, blah blah. It would just be the complete opposite of the right thing to do. Remove this idea from your mind.
    Here's another thing you may have been thinking. "I know how to lose weight... burn more calories than I consume. I got that. I know I can do this by eating about 500 calories less than my maintenance level. But, instead of eating below my maintenance level, couldn't I just workout more and therefore burn more calories?" The answer is yes.
    If your maintenance level is 3000 calories a day, and you are eating the full 3000 calories a day, you could lose weight by working out and burning those 500 calories each day. You'd still end up in the same calorie deficit this way just as you would by eating less.
    Weight loss is all about being in that calorie deficit. While you can technically accomplish this either way (through diet or workout), for best results and for best all around health, the trick is to do it using a combination of both. A proper diet plan combined with a proper workout is the ideal weight loss scenario. But, I'll talk more about that later. First I need to cover one final Phase 1 question some of you may have.
    "While explaining how to lose weight, you have only really mentioned calories. What about protein, carbs and fat? Don't they matter?" The answer is yes.

    Protein, Carbs, and Fat

    While your total calorie intake is the most important aspect of weight loss, where those calories come from is a close second. As far as calorie choices go, there's really only three; protein, carbs and fat. Despite what the many fad diets and commercial diet plans have scared you into thinking, your weight loss diet NEEDS to contain a good amount of all three. (Exactly how much of each is coming up next.)
    So, while you would very likely lose weight just by being below your maintenance level, how much and what types of protein, carbs and fat you eat will indeed play many important roles. Don't worry, that will all be explained next.

    The end of Phase 1 of The Lose Weight Diet

    You have reached the end of Phase 1. Right now you should fully understand how to lose weight. Feels good, doesn't it? I told you this was simple. What you need to do next is use what you just learned to create your own weight loss diet plan. That's what Phase 2 is. In Phase 2 you will learn exactly how to figure out what your calorie maintenance level is and exactly how many calories you should eat each day. You will also learn how much protein, carbs and fat you should be eating along with examples of which foods to get these nutrients from. You ready? Let's go...

    The Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels

    She's one of the country's leading health and wellness experts, a best-selling author, and the star of NBC's The Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels even has a new fat-fighting video game for the Wii. If she can't get you pumped up to get ripped, no one can. We asked her how to overcome four of the most common willpower busters

    I don't have any support from friends and family. I'm doing this on my own.
    One of my favorite quotes says it all: We can tolerate any 'how' if we have a 'why.' In other words, identify all the reasons you want to lose weight to begin with. Write them down. Post them everywhere you can. Meditate on them first thing in the morning and at night when you go to sleep. Motivation always comes from within—bring it out!
    I keep slipping up.
    Failure is a pain in the ass because it's unavoidable. Many tend to see failure as a validation of their deepest, darkest insecurities. It can throw us into depression and erode our confidence and self-esteem. The trick is to recognize failure as an entry point for learning and an integral component of growth—and not make the same mistake twice.
    I have good intentions—but at the end of the day, I'm tired and just want to go home and relax.
    I've been here. Many times. It's easy to settle into a relationship or a routine and stop taking care of your needs. Remember that you have to make time to take care of yourself. Try to get your workout in during your lunch hour or in the morning before work. Get a piece of home cardio equipment and exercise while you catch up on your favorite TV show. Or, clear all the crap snack foods out of your cupboard. You can't eat what's not there.
    I have trouble reaching my goals.
    Always write them down. This keeps them real. And make them realistic so you don't get discouraged. Goals should be easily definable so you can gauge and monitor your progress. If you have setbacks, remember that they're par for the course. Expect them. Learn from them. Then move on.

    Personal Training

    You say you want to overhaul your life, and that this time the New Year's resolution is going to stick. You want to be fitter, trimmer and happier, and you think all you need to do is turn up for sessions three times a week.
    There's so much more to it. I don't want to stamp on your dreams, but at some point I must come clean. I can't fix you. I'm not a qualified therapist and know nothing about corporate finance. I can only help you feel better about yourself. And I've told you 100 times that five glasses of wine rather negates the effect of sessions. (Yes, I can smell it on your breath.)
    It doesn't matter what I'm feeling. All that matters is you and your body. It'll be the same for the next person, and the next. I've got the lawyer at 8am – he likes to train in luminous leggings, listening to the Pogues. Who am I to judge? He's lost 8% body fat in three months, after all. Then there's the dentist, so sweet, but full of hatred for her body. How long will she stick at it this time? Last time it was a month before work and children meant she could no longer find two hours a week for herself.
    Last week, an actor's agent cried on me mid-squat. She works until 3am four nights a week, but says the training's the problem – it's eating into her sleep and she has to stop. Yeah, right, I think: the training is the only thing that keeps you from cracking up. But I stay quiet.
    Truth is, they tell me everything, but they never listen. And it's not my place to interfere. I shouldn't care so much. That's my weakness.

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    how to live a healther lifestyle eat better learn better eating habbits

    A Diet is very important to your heart health and bad diet habits can cause heart disease. Healthy eating is a method of balancing the nourishment
    you eat to preserve your body well fit and energized. Healthy eating means picking up a variety of foods from these groups: meat, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, grains such as breads and pasta. It is essential to limit amount of fats and sweets. It includes enjoying nutritious food in the amounts our bodies need to perform best.

    Healthy eating is very important in preventing sickness. If we do not get the right food, it can decrease our body's natural defense system, so viruses and bacteria can attack the body.

    Healthy eating affect picking food that gives the body essential nutrients that allow it to function normally. All food groups contain different nutrients that provide the body with the capability to perform specific functions. Healthy eating means eating the proper amounts of nutritious foods, eating a variety of foods from all food groups and choosing foods with low levels of fats and sugar.

    It is known that adults should get 20-35 percents of their calories from fat. Fat is essential to your daily diet but most people eat fat too much, often without even knowing it. The damage of saturated fats can be deadly, including clogging your arteries and shorting your life. Saturated fats can be found in animal products, palm oil and coconut oil.

    To reduce dietary cholesterol, eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains, low fat or nonfat dairy products, and medium amounts of lean meats, skinless poultry, and fish. Diets based on whole grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats with small amounts of meats have been shown to provide all of the nutrition needed for healthy living.

    Vitamins are supplements not substitutes. They don't provide all the necessary vitamins and minerals the body needs. Vitamins are not as expensive as you think. Some vitamins like vitamin B12 can be only found in meat.

    If your goal is to reduce body weight you may need to limit the amount of food you eat and include regular physical activity into your life.

    Healthy eating doesn't have to be dull or time consuming. Meals don't have to taste bland or distasteful. It is only a matter of getting a good cooking book.

    Healthy foods contain vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Not-so-healthy foods contain lots of sugar and fat. Healthy eating is a key factor of health. Healthy eating can profit in positive impact on your blood glucose level
    , your blood fats, blood pressure and body weight.

    Plan meals in advance and keep your cupboards stocked with foods that can be made into quick well-balanced meals on days when there isn't time or energy to plan.

    A Diet is very important to your heart health and bad diet habits can cause heart disease. If we do not get the right foods, it can decrease our body's natural defense system, so viruses and bacteria can attack the body.Healthy eating affects picking foods that gives the body essential nutrients that allow it to function normally. Healthy eating means eating the proper amounts of nutritious foods, eating a variety of foods from all food groups and choosing foods with low levels of fats and sugar. If your goal is to reduce body weight you may need to limit the amount of food you eat and include regular physical activity into your life.

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    eating healthy and living right is easy and delicious

    In today's world of 2 minute instant cup of noodles, there are lots of speculations about how to adopt the healthy eating methods to achieve those healthy families. A healthy eating plan is helpful to a great extent as it includes major calculations about the nutrients and ingredients that a human body needs. One of the most important points of healthy living is never to skip breakfasts as they are the most significant part of a day's meals and they are able to keep you going for the entire day. Another big problem people cant seem to remember is not to eat so many big meals. Instead, meals should be broken down into several smaller meals per day so that the body is able to absorb the food more efficiently. Many healthy families have reported that as a part of healthy lifestyles, they follow a regular time table for their meals and by having meals at the right time daily, they are able to keep themselves in perfect shapes.
    When we talk about healthy food and healthy eating habits, the very first thing that comes to our mind includes fruits and vegetables. No doubt but they should be a mandatory part of a person's diet without which, a proper nutritious diet is not possible at all. While looking for healthy eating foods, you should ensure that they are natural and organic as far as possible. You should try to avoid artificial and canned foods as far as possible and also make sure that you consume some cereals also for your breakfast. These are healthy foods to be eaten in the morning as they are able to provide enough energy to the person's body. It is also better to eat green foods as much as possible as they are extremely rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber and vitamin C.
    Some of the most popular healthy food items include Broccoli, wild salmon, grape tomatoes, milk and sweet potatoes. It is wise to make a list of which foods you should eat and which foods you should avoid so that it will become easier to understand which foods you should consume. The main type of food that should be avoided are fats and foods that contain too much of sugar. Healthy foods such as different types of nuts not only provide a lot of energy to the body but also a great deal of body strength.
    People who believe in healthy lifestyle and healthy living are looking for ways through which they can prepare food at their own home. We all know the unhealthy ways of dealing with food in restaurants and unreliable quality of grains ground in grinding mills in the market. Several healthy cooking equipments are available in the market including juicers, flour and grain mills, blenders, sprouters and cookers so that you can prepare your own food with your own hands and eliminate any chances of adulteration and unhygienic methods of cooking. All these healthy cooking equipments help the consumers to carry out all methods of cooking at their own home including sprouting, roasting, baking and blending and adopt a healthy lifestyle of living.

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    13 keys for healthy deit

    Developing healthy eating habits isn't as confusing or as restrictive as many people imagine. The first principle of a healthy diet is simply to eat a wide variety of foods. This is important because different foods make different nutritional contributions.
    Secondly, fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol—should make up the bulk of the calories you consume. The rest should come from low-fat dairy products, lean meat and poultry, and fish.
    You should also try to maintain a balance between calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body can utilize. Otherwise, you will gain weight. The more active you are, therefore, the more you can eat and still maintain this balance.
    Following these three basic steps doesn't mean that you have to give up your favorite foods. As long as your overall diet is balanced and rich in nutrients and fiber, there is nothing wrong with an occasional cheeseburger. Just be sure to limit how frequently you eat such foods, and try to eat small portions of them.
    You can also view healthy eating as an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat. A healthy diet doesn't have to mean eating foods that are bland or unappealing.
    The following basic guidelines are what you need to know to construct a healthy diet.
    1 Eat plenty of high-fiber foods—that is, fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. These are the "good" carbohydrates—nutritious, filling, and relatively low in calories. They should supply the 20 to 30 grams of dietary fiber you need each day, which slows the absorption of carbohydrates, so there’s less effect on insulin and blood sugar, and provides other health benefits as well. Such foods also provide important vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (plant chemicals essential to good health).
    2 Make sure to include green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables—such as broccoli, carrots, cantaloupe, and citrus fruits. The antioxidants and other nutrients in these foods may help protect against developing certain types of cancer and other diseases. Eat five or more servings a day.
    3 Limit your intake of sugary foods, refined-grain products such as white bread, and salty snack foods. Sugar, our No.1 additive, is added to a vast array of foods. Just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can add up to 16 pounds over the course of a year. Many sugary foods are also high in fat, so they’re calorie-dense.
    4 Cut down on animal fat. It’s rich in saturated fat, which boosts blood cholesterol levels and has other adverse health effects. Choose lean meats, skinless poultry, and nonfat or low-fat or nonfat dairy products.
    5 Cut way down on trans fats, supplied by hydrogenated vegetable oils used in most processed foods in the supermarket and in many fast foods.
    6 Eat more fish and nuts, which contain healthy unsaturated fats. Substitute olive or canola oil for butter or stick margarine.
    7 Keep portions moderate, especially of high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrée, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.
    8 Keep your cholesterol intake below 300 milligrams per day. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, such as meats, poultry, dairy products, and egg yolks.
    9 Eat a variety of foods. Don't try to fill your nutrient requirements by eating the same foods day in, day out. It is possible that not every essential nutrient has been identified, and so eating a wide assortment of foods helps to ensure that you will get all the necessary nutrients. In addition, this will limit your exposure to any pesticides or toxic substances that may be present in one particular food.
    10 Maintain an adequate calcium intake. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth. Get your calcium from low-fat sources, such as skim milk and low-fat yogurt. If you can't get the optimal amount from foods, take supplements.
    11 Try to get your vitamins and minerals from foods, not from supplements. Supplements cannot substitute for a healthy diet, which supplies nutrients and other compounds besides vitamins and minerals. Foods also provide the "synergy" that many nutrients require to be efficiently used in the body.
    12 Maintain a desirable weight. Balance energy (calorie) intake with energy output. Exercise and other physical activity are essential.
    13 If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. That is one drink a day for women, two a day for men. A drink is defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits. Excess alcohol consumption leads to a variety of health problems. And alcoholic beverages can add many calories to your diet without supplying nutrients.